Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Real Reason for the Season

  During this festive and busy time
of the year it is so easy to get caught up in all the festivities and craziness. All that is well and good but in my humble opinion, I believe that Christmas would be even more beautiful if we spent more time focusing on the true meaning of Christmas....Jesus, the Son of God!
 Most of us put a lot of thought into the
gifts that we will give to our family and friends but how often do we ask ourselves,
"hmm, what should I give Jesus today!"
    Or, "I wonder what His favorite color is?" If we are truly honest with ourselves I am pretty sure most would not be able to say that we ask ourselves that question or similar questions at Christmas.
I am not proud to admit that I used to be one of those people until one Christmas day not too long ago.
    Like pretty much everyone else, I love Christmas, I love
the music, I love the beautiful colored lights, and most of all, I love
the "comfort and joy" that seems to permeate the very air we breathe through out the entire Christmas season. Everyone seems to be in love with life and all the beauty that is Christmas!
   On that particular Christmas, I started to think about what I DON'T....................................................................................
like about Christmas...I don't like all the temptation that comes
disguised as cookies, and cakes, and all the other "holiday" foods.
That brings me to another thing I don't like about Christmas, it's the
very word "holiday". It really isn't the word itself, it's more about
the fact that the word "holiday" is now supposed to replace
words one associates with the season such as "Merry Christmas,"
and "Jesus Birthday."
   So now every where you go this time of year you may hear,
"Happy Holidays" and "It isn't really Jesus birthday, anyway!"
Well in my opinion, if it isn't Jesus birthday, then let's cancel
Christmas! yes cancel Christmas, instead of canceling Jesus
the true meaning of Christmas. Come on, we know that Jesus 
wasn't really born on Christmas day, but if one IS going to
celebrate it, then it should be celebrated in His name.
   So, it would be safe(and of foremost importance) to 
give God the glory and praise for sending His precious son to
be born as a man so that we all could be delivered from the curse of sin and death and have the abundant life He promised. That is
the real meaning of Christmas.
  During this time of year, perhaps the best gift we can give
anyone is the gift of time! There are many people who are lonely, and depressed, and truly alone. Perhaps some of them may feel or be that way all the other 364 days of the year, even so, there is
something about the arrival of Christmas and all it's sparkle, that
causes the lonely and hurting heart to break in a whole new way.
   So this Christmas, I am looking to for people, places, where
I can be His hand extended, where I can share the love of God, even if it is in some small way! If you know anyone that needs to
know, or be reminded that they are loved, that they are not alone,
reach out to them in some small way. We have all heard it said
I'm sure, "it is more blessed to give then it is to receive," and it
is true!
   If on the other hand, you are the one who needs to know or
be reminded that Jesus loves you, that He was born, and died, and
will come back to take you home with Him one day then please
know it is not a fairy tale, Jesus truly loves you! you are not alone! He loves you, and so do I. If you need prayer or a reminder then it is you I am talking to and about here, more importantly, it is He who is talking to you here. You are loved, you are not alone, call on His name, He will hear you!

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Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Real light in the Darkness!

"When you sit in darkness He is the light, even darkness is as light to Him!" If you feel lonely, lost or hopeless, don't give up, don't give in! He has promised to hear you if you will but just call on His name!